creative arts private tutors for junior secondary tutors

Junior secondary Fine Arts/Creative Art tutors

Get private home tutors for creative arts

A close reference to the Federal Republic of Nigeria National Policy on Education shows that the Federal Government realizing the importance of art and culture in the development of science and technology, has given Art and Cultural Education their legitimate right in the nation's educational system from the primary, post-primary and post-secondary institutions with their educational goals clearly stipulated.
The broad aims of the secondary education within our overall national objectives are the preparation for a useful living within the society and preparation for higher education. It must be stressed further that in specific terms, the secondary school should provide primary school leavers with opportunity for education for higher quality.

Looking for proper skill development in fine arts/creative tuition? We offer highly rated curriculum based private tuition for students in the junior secondary school. Get home tutors for junior secondary fine arts/creative art today!